Thursday, October 27, 2005


David and I held a "seminar" for some of the leaders of the Kampala church of Christ. They were having a leadership retreat. Ronald and Dick also went with us and helped out.
Leadership is influence. Christian leadership is influencing others to be like Christ. The best way to do that is to serve.
Think of others as better than yourself. Humble yourselves.
We gave them some different personality and leadership tests. We had a number of activities. We got them started on the path to reworking their purpose and vision statements. They responded very well. They have some really good people.

One of the activities was a foot washing ceremony.

Many of the things we taught, David and I learned from our classes that we have been taking. We are working slowly towards a Masters in Organizational Leadership and Management from Uganda Christian University.
We hope that these kinds of activities will help to build long lasting relationships between the Christians in Kampala and Fort Portal.


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