Monday, March 27, 2006

Jet lag is a funny thing

It feels like a hippo sat on me but I'm too tired to care. That's jet lag.
Last night we crawled into bed and my alarm clock from Uganda went off. It's time to get up but we are just going down.
I'm hungry but I've already eaten.
We spent the day at the Boston Harbor. The kids loved the children's museum and the giant aquarium. Dunkin
Donuts and MacDonalds wasn't too bad either. You can tell we have been away for some time when we crave this kind of "food." There are so many Super Sized people.
Sleep...has never felt sooooo good! Oh ya. I can brush my teeth with the water from the tap and enjoy the pressure in the shower.
I don't have to worry about using up the water by flushing the toilet.
There are three tvs here. It is nice to hear something good about America for a change!
It seems like everything is for sale on the television. and the number one tool for sales is sex.
Everyone is so friendly. People are so nice to the kids.
Now I have to watch the kids closer than in Uganda. There are some real weirdos out there.
The power is nice that is!
The internet works. Everything is so clean!
America! It's nice to be back!


At 10:29 PM, Blogger Johnathan M. Thomas said...

Hope all is going well. Jeff, I sent you an email but I think I sent it to the wrong place. I may have scholorship money for Samuel.

I was hoping you and your fam could fit it in your schedule to speak here in Wenatchee. I know you are looking to build support. This might set things rolling.

Call Greg and get my number or send me an email so I have yours.


At 8:59 AM, Blogger Glenn said...

When you read this you will probably be here. We are just getting over jet lag from our trip to Egypt. Oh, how I wanted to sleep after lunch, but if I did it was wide awake time most of the night. Then it progressed to waking up at 3:00AM. Now that we are back to normal you will arrive and we will begin the process all over. We are anxious for you to get here - only about 22 hours.

At 12:04 PM, Blogger Greg said...

Welcome back to the USA, Jeff and family! We' re looking forward to having you back in Tyler for a while this summer. Let us know if plans change or you need anything from the support team at Glenwood. We love you all!


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