Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dsl? 128k, 56k, 2.4k, 2k

I had eight file attachment that I wanted to send to my brother Mike by email. By the time I got them sent I seriously could have flewn on a plane from Uganda to London and then boarded another plane and been half way across the Atlantic. After `12 hours I was still trying to send, resend upload the same set of files.
I tried to down load the wedding march song... I could not do it! if I try to download a whole song it times out.
As the song tried to download I checked the speed. It was downloading at 2 kilobytes per second! I got excited when it shot up to the blazing speed of 2.4
That really is 2!
If you are able to fly around the internet at supersonic speeds do it! Because in comparison we are walking down a dirt trail.


At 11:01 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

I can't get past the part where you are saying that you were spending time trying to send Mike "the wedding march"?? Ummm...why?? :-)

At 6:50 AM, Blogger Jason Hill said...

Dude, you're not even on a dirt trail at that speed. You are cruising across the plain in your truck safari style, only you ran out of gas, so Isaac is pushing while you drive.

I feel for you.

At 6:24 PM, Blogger KMiV said...

Now I feel bad getting frustrated that this took a few seconds to come up on my screen. You made me realize I should be grateful.


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