Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Spiritual disciplines

Why is there guilt associated with Spiritual Disciplines? We have good intentions like.. memorizing chunks of scripture, getting up at 5:00 AM to have quiet time, meditating and so on.
Maybe its becasue we know these kind of things are good for us. (But you can never do enough!) They get treated like a new diet, new years resolution or that work out regiment that we should have done.
Many times the expectations are... to be "Spiritual" we have to be someone else.
Here's what I think...
Spiritual development happens on your normal schedule in your everyday life.

As we all are on the same path here are a few things that have helped me. (Maybe you can add what's helped you.)

1. I love connecting with God I don't want to go a day without it.
2. I try to Keep learning. At 38 I went back to school. It has been wonderful! I also practice the ancient art of reading books that can help me grow in the Lord.
3. Whenever I see a car accident I pray for everyone involved. (Simple) Then I ask myself what can I do to help? Many times this means my plans might have to be put on hold for the next few hours as I jump in and help.
4. I look for ways to put in a good word for Christ.
5. I treat waitresses with respect and tip. I know this may not sound like a spiritual discipline but this has opened the door for number 4.
6.Every once in a while I will pick a verse and try to see how can I really apply this today?
7. I do not do ministry alone. I always take someone with me and use the time wisely as we drive to share.
8. I am consciously trying to listen more.
9. We see the money we make as God's. Tithing is easy when we think that way. We give to God first.
10. Everyday I try to remember my mission field starts at home.

This is not an exhaustive list. Christianity should be real, practical and down to earth.
What helps you?


At 11:05 PM, Blogger Redlefty said...

Good stuff, and I agree with your approach to disciplines. God makes us all unique and wants us to stay that way -- he doesn't ask us to become Christian robots whom are homogenous.

My list lately:

--I will smile and use the name of service-people I come in contact with (waiters, cashiers, etc...).
--I will read the bible with an open mind to learn new things, not just reaffirm what I've always thought.
--I will listen to God's lessons in daily relationships, discussions, experiences and challenges. He will teach me through the ordinary as well as the extraordinary.
--I will remind myself that other people are priceless souls, just like me. They are all worthy of respect and unconditional love.
--I will use the internet to grow my faith and become a better person.
--I will use film the same way (will watching this movie give me an opportunity to grow?).
--I will find my niche in work that is fun, rewarding and fitting, but I won't worry about it. I will trust God with my career.
--I will put my family relationships above all other earthly ones. They come first and should get my best, not my leftovers.
--I will pay attention to people in need, and try to meet those needs.
--I will give myself room to screw up all of the above. I will remember that redemption is not dependent on what I do, but on what He did. And it's done. I will relax about eternity and take advantage of every moment I'm given.

At 3:15 AM, Blogger Sir Weddings said...

Hi may not actually remember me (I didn't remember that we'd met in Odessa - until my wife reminded me). I'm Daniel Napier's brother-in-law.

Anyway, I check your blog every once in a while and just thought I'd say hello!

Also...I'd like to share a website that's blessed me tremendously:

Sorry I have to go to you later. Thanks for your blog!

Justin Redden


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