A wonderful donation
We have been wanting to get a hangar here in Uganda for CROSSWIND wings of mercy. We own a Cessna 206 and have been patiently waiting for the ministry to "take off". We had engine trouble in Djibouti when we were flying the plane to Uganda.
A Christian friend and mechanic met me in Djibouti and we took the plane apart. The plane was shipped to Uganda and the engine was shipped to the states. (At least that was what we thought.)
We were told that the engine had been lost. In the process we discovered that the shipping company had cheated us. The engine core was in bad condition. Another engine core was purchased and MMS completely rebuilt the new engine.
To save us some money on shipping I decided to wait to ship the engine until Andrew and Aimee jo sent their container. We shared a 40foot seacontainer. All of the Martin's belonging were packed into the container at Charles Colwell's house.
We were able to buy a zero turn mower, finishing mower and a Honda mower for the work here. We have a tractor and maintain and manage the Fort Portal airstrip. We also shipped the church tent, 400 metal chairs, fire hoses and some gear as well as other supplies for the ministry.
(We sure could use the plane right now with all of the flooding that has been going on around the country. The only way to safely reach some of the towns in the north is by plane.)
One of my regrets when packing the container was that we did not go ahead and buy an airplane hangar. There was concern over the space in the container.
Well the Lord is faithful. I saw a hangar for sale on ebay. The owner mentioned that if it doesn't sell he would consider giving it to a nonprofit in Mexico. I wrote him and told him about the work we are doing here.
After a dozen emails and a phone call he donated the hangar to us!!!!!!
He is a Christian and said that one of his dreams was to be a missionary pilot.

This hangar is so much better than what we had been looking at! it 65 feet wide by 32 feet. Two plane can fit inside with the doors closed!
Praise the Lord!!!!
We are so excited about this generous and wonderful gift.
Here are some ways we could use help...
1. We are working to find a team of Christian volunteers who can go to Palm Springs California and take the hangar apart.
If you are in southern california or you would be interested in helping with this project please let me know.
2.We are arranging shipping at this time. If you have 40 foot truck or trailer and would like to help save the ministry some shipping expenses let me know.
We need to ship the hangar to Texas. It will be shipped to Africa in a 40ft container.
3. We are also looking for a place to store the 40ft container in Texas until our furlough next year. If you have a place in Texas and would be willing for us to keep a container there, let us know.
4. If you would like to donate towards the shipping of the hanger. Let us know.
5. We could even use some help putting the hangar together here in uganda. It could be a simple mission trip.
6. We are going to bringing a team from MMS to repair and put the plane together. We have to pay for at least one plane ticket plus food and lodging.
7. I am also interested in further flight training so I can become a safer pilot. In the US I could work on my instrument ticket for about $4000
Comerical license is about $4000
Certifided flight instructor would be about the same price depending on the flight school used and the amount of flight time needed for proficiency. It is my desire to further my flight training.
8. In the future we would like to own a small training plane and encourage other pilots who have an interest in mission aviation. Our new hangar can hold two planes!
9. The plane needs a gps upgrade
Thank the Lord with us for this wonderful gift!