Tuesday, October 10, 2006


The Buganda king doesn't say how many years old he us but how many years young. Well, I turned thirty eight years young today. Cheryl brought me breakfast in bed and I watched the movie Cave. Derrick came and I had two hours of language and culture lessons before going to the discipleship lunch. He brought me a small drum as a gift. Thanks Derrick!
At the discipleship lunch we shared our dreams for the future of the church. We had a great discussion. The men encourage me every week. I'm proud of these guys.
We have visitors with us from Oregon. Billy, Brenda and their son Jacob have been fun.
Derrick and I also worked on wiring up our new transformer/battery charger system so we can have power. We didn't get it all figured out before dark so we had to run the generator.
Chery cooked a nice dinner and we had a little birthday party. The apple pie and cherry cheese cake were wonderful!
Cheryl's Dad called and we had a nice talk. (Thanks for calling Lynn.)
It's been a good day.


At 3:06 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

Happy Birthday!! 38?? Wow- it's hard to believe my pesky brother is that old...young, I mean. I was just telling the kids today a bunch of Uncle Jeff stories. Hope this year is a great one for you! Much love-

At 5:29 AM, Blogger Andrew Martin said...

Happy Birthday young man!

I need to put your birthday on my calendar! Sounds like you had a good day. Sorry we were cut off on the phone the other day. Didn't get a chance to say goodbye. Hopefully talk to you again soon buddy.

At 6:23 AM, Blogger phyllis said...

Happy Birthday,Jeff! We're glad you had a nice day. I remember the day you were born, and thinking, "Oh no, another boy!" But then they placed you on my stomach and you were so cute! You have been a special person in our lives and we are proud of who you are. We also have a lot of Jeff stories to tell as you have always been such an adventurous guy.
Love you,


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