Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tropical storm

The Tooro consider rain to be a blessing. Well, God is sure blessing us today!
I wish you could see the storm outside the window. The rain is pounding on our metal roof and splashing on the ground below.
The thunder is roaring but the rain is so thick the lightnig can't be seen. The trees are bending and waving. The banana leaves are moving in rythm. Silas put on ear protectors so he wouln't be afraid of the noise.
Visibility is down to 100 meters. The water just keeps coming. The water is pouring over the edge of the gutters as though they are not even there.
Wow! I love a tropical rainstorm!
The thunderstorms have backed up against the Rwenzori Mountains and are dumping everything they have.
(Rwenzori means rain maker. That's apropriate.)
Thank you for the blessing, Lord.


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