Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Daddy the power is on!

Whenever I turn on the generator Silas says "Thank you Daddy!"
I just love that.
If we had power all of the time I would miss him saying that.
I'm going to get to hear Silas say that quite a bit.
Uganda was informed yesterday that the electricity will be off twelve hours a day because of low water levels in Lake Victoria.
That doesn't include the daily brown outs,power shortage or black outs from line problems and other local reasons for the power not working.
So for the few hours a day that we will be having power we can be thankful.
We will have more consistant electricity when the Lord gives us rain.
Hey! The power just came. Praise the Lord.
We have so many reasons to praise His name.


At 1:31 AM, Blogger Steve Maxwell said...

Jeff what a great post to remind us that God literally has evreything under control. He has all the "Power"


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