Thursday, June 01, 2006

Cease Fire!

A few years ago during the rebel crisis in our part of Uganda, a group of soldiers were fired upon. They scrambled into the bushes and fought back. It was reported that a bloody fight insued and there were casualties from both sides of the ravine. To their horror they discovered that they were all on the same side!

As Christian soldiers let's remember who the enemy is!
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against...


At 1:47 AM, Blogger Andrew Martin said...


At 7:43 AM, Blogger Cheryl said...

I love how you said this. Well done!

At 9:53 AM, Blogger Greg said...

Sooner or later, and one way or another, we all go through the exercise of determining who's "in" and who's "out" of our group. When we do that out of a reflex, scrambling into the bushes, we make poor choices. I think its wise to bring that question out into the open, reflect, pray, and discuss, and be ready for the next roadside attack. Let's see if we can make some better choices! Let's see if we can align our battlelines with our Leader's!
Looking forward to your visit in 4 weeks! Grace and peace to you all!

At 6:25 AM, Blogger Jeff Cash said...

Fort Portal has about 40,000 according to the last census. The town doesn't look very big but it is the center for the Toro Kingdom. What is Dorothy planning to do?


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