Saturday, June 17, 2006

Human chain

Besisa Babiha Corinne is in Bunia Democratic Republic of Congo. He is a dear friend, a brother in Christ and a man of faith.
Where Besisa and his family lives is at the center of the conflict.

Between 1998 and 2002 3.3million people died in the Congo as a result of the war. Now the number of deaths has climbed to over 4,000,000.
The war in the Democratic Republic of Congo has claimed more lives than any other war since world war II

Did you hear that number?
Let me put that into perspective. If they stood beside each other with their arms stretched out they could make a human chain from Portland Oregon to Los Angeles California. (If each of them averaged five feet finger tip to finger tip)
Did you think the human chain would go that far?
Well it would keep going. How far would it continue? If they started in Portland and stretched to Los Angeles how much further would they go? If they turned at Los Angeles and went East the human chain would go past Texas and stretch all the way across the US to Miami florida!
That is long human chain Portland Oregon to La and onto Miami Florida.
Did I mention that there would be enough people left over when you got to Miami to continue the human chain for another 600 miles!
That is the number of people who have died as a result of the fighting in the Congo!


At 5:51 AM, Blogger Matt Tibbles said...

Father, Please bring much needed peace and relief to a people who are being persecuted because they belong to a different tribe. God be with Besisa Babiha Corinne. May he be an instrumetn of peace. Father, be with Jeff and Cheryl as they bring Good News. Help the world to stand up and take notice to the atrocities that have been occuring for many years now. Even though no oil can be found, human lives are more important!

At 9:59 PM, Blogger KMiV said...

Now that you put that into perspective it is pretty overwhelming. I guess we get used to numbers and statistics without thinking of them as humans.

Sure miss you all around here.



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