What's the grossest thing you've eaten?
Ronald and I had a funny conversation about the grossest things we have eaten.
There was the accident bird droppings and the dares that guys can't refuse to do but what about "real food"?
What was given to you as real food that was the grossest?
I told him about catepillers in Belgium. Crunchy on the outside and chewy in the middle. No that's not it.
Some of Ronald's favorite local food is fried grasshopper and termites.
Snails in France? No
Intestine stew in Spain? No.
You have to remember that boiled intestines and stomach lining is a treat to many here.
Clabbered milk is traditional gift given to guests. Sun dried fish is a favorite. Fish head soup is meal that we are given regularly when we go to Ntoroko.
Ronald and I have sucked the brains out of many fish and popped out their eye balls just for fun.
Ronald said, "the grossest food I have ever been given You've eaten, Jeff. You have a very strong stomach!
I think the Pressed head was one of the worst things I've tasted. I couldn't even eat it all. You ate the whole thing!
When that Congolese woman gave us cold, greasy, pig brains I thought I might vomit. I hid it in my pocket. You ate it, Jeff.
There was also the time that we were given the bones. The family had eaten all of the meat off them so they cut them up and prepared them for us again. (yummy!)
There was also that time when we were visiting a village church and they served us boiled green meat. The meat was rotten. We didn't want to offend them so we all ate it! That was probably the worst. "
As Ronald reminded me of the green meat I could taste it in my mouth.
You're right Ronald that was nasty!

So what was the grossest real food that you have eaten?