Friday, November 03, 2006

God's amazing grace

Tonight was really fun. There is a new couple in town... Brandy and Lou Johnson. Yesterday we went to their house and helped them unpack their furniture. Cheryl sent them dinner as they have not been able to hook up their stove. They came by tonight and had dinner with us as well. They are nice people. We were expecting visitors who weren't able to come so we had plenty of meat and potatoes!
We had fun talking about Tooro culture, ministry and some of the silly things our churches have done. They are sent by the Baptists Mission.
Anyone who knows me well knows that I believe that the fighting and division that has taken place between churches is terrible. I have seen members of the church of Christ be down right nasty to Baptist and I have seen Baptist be down right nasty to church of christ folks. All in the name of Christ.
I was reading the other day how Alexander Campbell was immersed by a Baptist Minister. And how the churches from different denominations came together and were unified. One of the early restoration motos was "Christian Only,,Not the only Christians" I like that.
"They will know you are my disciples if you love one another."
It seems strange to me that there is more division on Sunday morning than any other day of the week. God forgive us for dividing over...worship, communion, salvation, how we sing, what we sing, kitchens, color of carpet. drinking fountains, community centers, basketball goals, Instruments or accappella, money, power, parking lots, building projects, mission societies, what we call ourselves, praise teams, old verses new, song books, women's roles, sunday school, one cup or many, North verses South, white verses black, language, culture, economics, clapping, elder appointments, preachers, hermanutics, institutional verses non institutional, preacher training schools, orphanage support, Christian colleges, dress code, which translation of the Bible to use (King James?), overhead projectors, Baptism, praise teams, child dedication, promise keepers, when some says they are saved, Not using the name church of Christ, using the name church of Christ, steaples, putting a cross in the building, celebrating Christmas, fellowshipping believers from outside our group. (maybe you could add a few more to the list)

Lord, forgive us. We don't know what we are doing.
We are sinners...

Saved by Your Amazing Grace.


At 6:49 PM, Blogger Lori Ann said...

amen and amen.

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Andrew Martin said...


At 4:38 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Wow. This has been such a focus in our lives here for the last year.

Ben Langford (from Uganda, too) happened to visit our congregation today, and led in the services. While praying over our communion together, he reminded us that we are all invited to the table. Isn't it sad that we move into positions of thinking we are the ones doing the inviting...and excluding?
It's when we lose perspective on our status as *guest* and not *host* that our snobbery begins to creep in and humility sneaks out the back door.... leaving room for petty bickering and ungratefulness.

Thanks... for your love for Him that surpasses all else.
Some friends, headed to be missionaries in Russia, came to visit this weekend. Of all the resources available to us,I thought the blogs you and Cheryl keep up are some of the most insightful, realistic, God-honoring sources to learn from. It's overflow from the love you both daily live for Him. It's a daily stop for me. Thanks.

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Jeff Cash said...

Heather, thank you for your wonderful comment. I love the idea of being invited to the table. and not being the host but the guest. That is right on!
It is fun to reconnect with you in the blog world.
May you and your family be blessed in the Lord.

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.
Your friend


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