We have been encouraged and blessed by Glenwood Church of Christ once again. They knew we needed a new four wheel drive for the ministry. One that is big enough to fit our entire family with all of the car seats. They asked me which vehicle is the best for the work? Which one would meet the needs of our family? They also were interested in finding a safe strong vehicle that is not going to be breaking down all the time.
I love Toyotas. We could have made commercials showing us crossing rivers, climbing mountains, or pulling other vehicles out of the mud.
The most people that I have carried in the pickup is 36. They were all singing and laughing and having a good time. We were going to the market area several miles away for some open air preaching. When I teach in a market like that I tend to tell stories. It is fun to make up parables to illustrate a point.
The poor Hilux has floated across a river stuffed full of people and medicine as we responded to a terrible rebel attack.
It has been used to drag trees out of the forest to build church buildings.
We have carried many sick, injured and dieing people to the hospital. It has also carried many bodies for burial.
This pickup was used to lead a parade and announce the King Is Coming.
We were leading the Tooro king to the Palace during a massive festival.
We have carried food to the hungry and wheel chairs to the lame and landmine victims. It has carried thousands of Bible for distribution. It has been piled high many times with the equipment to show the Jesus film.
All of the shocks have been broken off the truck several time. The spring have been broken. The engine has been blown and the frame broken...twice.
It has carried my wife to the hospital ...eighteen hours away. And returned with our new babies.
When we first got the Toyota Hilux nearly ten years ago, we didn't have a single church to speak of there are 20.
Two weeks ago the clutch went out. Even though we love this old truck it is time for a new one.
We purchased a wonderful vehicle.
We are so excited about the new LandCruiser. Thank you Glenwood!
Thank you Lord!
While I was typing on the laptop Isaac started pretending that he was playing the guitar. He is so funny. He makes us laugh everyday.
Silas is enjoying the ceral that I found at a store in Kampala.
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