Last minute rush
We are packing all of the trunks and duffle bags getting ready for the flights back to Uganda. It is amazing the number of things that need to get done. I was walking around Home Depot drooling over all of the great stuff when I saw a manly TO DO list. Hey! That would fit in my suitcase!
So I grabbed it.
Cheryl was impressed that I actually bought it. I am not a real list person like Cheryl is so this was a major paradigm shift for me. It's not that I'm against lists...I just tend to loose them.
Lists don't fit into my hunter gatherer nature so easily.
It is hard to believe that our furlough is over.
We have some great news for the Fort Portal church...Glenwood raised $15,000 so we could buy a 52 x67 foot tent and chairs.
Glenwood is such an encouraging congregation!
Here is some more great news...My sister Kristi White had a baby girl.
weighing in at 11 pounds 4 oz!
That is the real weight and she did not have a C-section. That's my sis..Super woman.