Monday, July 31, 2006

Last minute rush

We are packing all of the trunks and duffle bags getting ready for the flights back to Uganda. It is amazing the number of things that need to get done. I was walking around Home Depot drooling over all of the great stuff when I saw a manly TO DO list. Hey! That would fit in my suitcase!
So I grabbed it.
Cheryl was impressed that I actually bought it. I am not a real list person like Cheryl is so this was a major paradigm shift for me. It's not that I'm against lists...I just tend to loose them.
Lists don't fit into my hunter gatherer nature so easily.
It is hard to believe that our furlough is over.
We have some great news for the Fort Portal church...Glenwood raised $15,000 so we could buy a 52 x67 foot tent and chairs.
Glenwood is such an encouraging congregation!

Here is some more great news...My sister Kristi White had a baby girl.
weighing in at 11 pounds 4 oz!
That is the real weight and she did not have a C-section. That's my sis..Super woman.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Thank you for your prayers and concern for Isaac and the surgery on his eyes. He is recovering well. It was not fun helping him come out of his sleep afterwards.
Last night as he was going to bed he said, "Dad come see! My eyes are all red! That is so cool!"
Thank you for your encouragement.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Prayer Request

On Wed. July 19 at 1:30PM Texas time, Isaac is going in for sugery on his eyes. The doctors want to work on the muscles so his eyes will track the same. Please pray for Isaac. he has the same eye problem that I have lived with most of my life. It will be great if we can save the sight in his left eye. Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

One change I've noticed

What is the deal with all of the medicine commercials listing all of the possible side effects? If you take our wonderful colored pill you may experience dizzyness, headacke, heart murmers, bleeding gums, fever, rash, loss of appetite, loss of hair, shortened life expectancy.Blah blah, blah blah, blah blah. Please tell you doctor if have already had a brain transplant or if you are taking any of our other pills as this may result in additional side effects...if you experience any of these problems (It's no longer our responsibility becasue we told you in a TV add)... please contact your doctor so he can sell you our more expensive medicine.

A get away!

Right now Cheryl and I are relaxing in the Browing Room at the Claibourne House. We are at a bed and breakfast/ spa in Jefferson, Texas. The elders at Metro church of Christ gave us the money to get away and relax. Thank you Metro. When we were in Portland they honored us with a church dinner for our ten years of mission work in Uganda. They gave us a nice plaque and a check for something like this. We have friends who are watching the kids in Tyler. (Thanks to you as well)
Cheryl is falling asleep and I am watching David Letterman.
Massage, hot tub. Tv, internet
What a rough couple of days!

If you go to Metro...I want to say ....."thank you!"
We are having a great time. The water works, the electricity was on all day, what more could we ask for?

children who need help

I talked with Ronald on the phone and the church in Fort Portal is praying for six children.
Two months ago they watched their father brutely murder and dismember their mother with a machette and an ax. Their father then turned on them and killed one of their brothers. The rest of the children ran screaming and making an alarm. A group came to get the father but he had hung himself behind their home.
Ronald went to see them at they uncle's home. He said, "Jeff it was so sad that I cried." The uncle is always drunk and the children are in terrible condition.
We are praying about what to do.
One of the children is suspected to have HIV and possivly AIDs. He is really sick and has trouble with bleeding out.
The children are in a terrible condition and need help. If you would like to help these kids let me know.