Thursday, July 13, 2006

One change I've noticed

What is the deal with all of the medicine commercials listing all of the possible side effects? If you take our wonderful colored pill you may experience dizzyness, headacke, heart murmers, bleeding gums, fever, rash, loss of appetite, loss of hair, shortened life expectancy.Blah blah, blah blah, blah blah. Please tell you doctor if have already had a brain transplant or if you are taking any of our other pills as this may result in additional side effects...if you experience any of these problems (It's no longer our responsibility becasue we told you in a TV add)... please contact your doctor so he can sell you our more expensive medicine.


At 3:10 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

Aren't those the worst?? It's a wonder anyone would voluntarily take any of those drugs advertised.

At 11:25 PM, Blogger Steve Maxwell said...

It's sad, but we live in a place where we will fight you tooth and nail for "our" rights but taking "responsibility" is not that sought after. Oh the day of no more medicine.


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